Sunday, September 13, 2009

leg swelling cause

leg swelling cause
When a person feels that his legs, feet, or even ankles are swollen, it is usually due to fluid build-up in the lower part of the body. While the swelling can sometimes be painless, other people suffer from this swelling. There are a number of reasons why people can have swollen legs and feet and here are some of those reasons:
* A person can suffer from a swollen ankle, leg, or foot due to a prolonged period of standing.
* This can also be true for long flights and long car rides.
* Some women experience swollen ankles, legs, and feet when they are having their monthly periods. Pregnancy can also bring about this swelling problem.
* Older people are prone to leg and foot swelling.
* When a person is overweight, their feet, ankles and legs can also swell.
* Other reasons for a swollen foot, leg, or ankle is injury, insect bites, leg infections, and even blood clots.
Preventing Swollen Legs, Feet, and Ankles
While some cases of swollen legs are hard to prevent, there are others that can be prevented. Here are some preventive measures for those who want to avoid swollen legs and feet:
* Try to avoid standing for prolonged periods. If your job requires you to stand for a certain amount of time, wear comfortable shoes and support socks or stockings.
* Try to limit your intake of salt. Since salt can promote fluid retention and swollen legs are caused by fluids, reducing your consumption of salt can help you avoid swollen legs and feet.
* Try to buy and wear comfortable and well-fitting footwear.

1 comment:

  1. After having a knee replacement, one of the biggest concerns you will confront is swelling of the knee. All knee replacements will swell however, managing the swelling will take a disciplined approach and patience.

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